Sunday, January 11, 2009

A generational shift

India launched the economic reforms and its free market policies in 1991.
PV Narasimha Rao. Who would have thought he would be the man who made the difference!
Today, as I type this on my computer, I wonder how different the 'Indian' world was before that year.

My generation - specifically those born between 1975 and 1983, were probably bang at the center of this. We went through a world where there was only 1 television channel, we have seen a world where there are no mobile phones, where the first cell phones were huge boxes that people paid a fortune to maintain with call rates as high as Rs32 per minute, where we didnt have 24X7 news channels and where we didnt have Pepsi and Coke!
Those are memories that will always stay with me!

Sometimes I wonder what the kids of this century will view the world like. They will probably go to school with a cell phone, have a laptop in high school and the internet would be their lifeline. I wouldn't be surprised if they never found out that apple is also a fruit!

The generation before mine lived a life that was a totally contrast. They worked in offices where there were desks but no computers, there were huge chunks of paper, a person saved enough to buy 1 (okay, a couple for a select few) house through his lifetime. Values were appreciated and money more so.

It would be interesting to see where the twain shall meet, but meet they will someday and someplace!

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